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Pursuing Sound Corporate Governance, Creating Stable Returns

China Universal believes that sound corporate governance will provide the transparency necessary for generating better risk-adjusted returns and lead to long-term investment success. In particular, we emphasize our risk management process and anti-money laundering ("AML") prevention to fulfill our fiduciary duty to our clients. We have adopted a four-tier risk management structure and a three-step risk management process to ensure stringent risk control on investment-related risks, compliance risk, operational risk, and moral risk. We also work closely with regulators to ensure adherence to AML laws and regulations; an internal team well-versed in current AML laws, regulations, and techniques conducts AML activities and organizes training for employees.

We aim to implement and maintain the best corporate governance practices in the industry, engaging and learning from industry leaders. On 1 January 2008, China Universal became the first Chinese asset management company to be accepted as a member of the Asia Corporate Governance Association. Since then, we have been an active participant and sponsor of ACGA and related events.

China Universal

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